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How big is the current of the car charger and is it safe to use?
Times:May 2,2019    Hits:739
Nowadays, the mobile phone battery can not be replaced, and the era of limited battery life must be charged every day, sometimes two times a day. For those who often drive out, it is more reliable to have a car charger in the car.
Nowadays, the mobile phone battery can not be replaced, and the era of limited battery life must be charged every day, sometimes two times a day. For those who often drive out, it is more reliable to have a car charger in the car. So, what is the current of the general car charger, is it safe to use? Let's take a look at it.
In the early years, the current was generally 1A, and more recently 2.1A, 3.1A, 3.4A, and even 4.8A products were more and more. Now, as long as you buy a branded charger, safety is not a problem. The key is not to be cheap. In general, the car charger that can provide more charging current, the charging speed, heat, life and circuit protection will be better.
In the process of use, pay special attention to insert the car charger into the cigarette lighter seat, so that the spring pieces on both sides of the car charger should not be stuck in the gap of the cigarette lighter side wall, be sure to let it open, because some cigarette lighter Not standard, may cause the positive and negative poles of the car charger to short-circuit the car cigarette lighter fuse. After inserting it, if the contact is bad, press the car charger down and gently turn the car charger, the amplitude should not be too large, do not put the spring electric shock card into the gap.
The use of car charger should pay attention to the following points: mobile phone charging needs to pay attention to the rated voltage and rated current on the line, to meet the above conditions, buy a regular manufacturer's charger on the line. As for the battery life, it has a relationship with the battery life cycle, and it has nothing to do with the number of charging. Please feel free to use it.